Faustiandan’s choice:
Sieben - Ogham Inside The Night
Now brothers, there is something I’ve been meaning to share with you for some time and I think, perhaps, this might be the forum. It is my endless love of Neo-folk. I know I have shared this with you verbally and my last fm account is a testament to it; so I don’t mean I want to simply tell you how good neo-folk is. I am also acutely aware of your shared interest in the genre; both of you being fans of some of the stand out artists– Current 93 and Rome spring to mind and also, if you follow a logical musical path, Laibach. So I don’t want to share this with you in an ‘introducing’ kind of way. I simply want to share with you how big a part of my listening habits neo-folk accounts for. So I am using Muso Club to represent what’s been taking my interest – and Neo folk albums are always grabbing me.
The album in question is a one man band, which in itself is quite strange. But from this singular creative force comes a swell of ingenuity and beauty – driven by Matt Howden’s captivating voice and haunting violin, this is a shining star of what Neo-folk has to offer – RYM said “Every so often you encounter music that you know is a masterpiece the first time you hear it”, this is one of those albums!
Mega Matt Mega Matt Mega Mega Matt Matt’s choice:
Textbook of Modern Karate 'Needle'
Now brothers, there is something I’ve been meaning to share with you for some time and I think, perhaps, this might be the forum. It is my endless love of Neo-folk. I know I have shared this with you verbally and my last fm account is a testament to it; so I don’t mean I want to simply tell you how good neo-folk is. I am also acutely aware of your shared interest in the genre; both of you being fans of some of the stand out artists– Current 93 and Rome spring to mind and also, if you follow a logical musical path, Laibach. So I don’t want to share this with you in an ‘introducing’ kind of way. I simply want to share with you how big a part of my listening habits neo-folk accounts for. So I am using Muso Club to represent what’s been taking my interest – and Neo folk albums are always grabbing me.
The album in question is a one man band, which in itself is quite strange. But from this singular creative force comes a swell of ingenuity and beauty – driven by Matt Howden’s captivating voice and haunting violin, this is a shining star of what Neo-folk has to offer – RYM said “Every so often you encounter music that you know is a masterpiece the first time you hear it”, this is one of those albums!
Mega Matt Mega Matt Mega Mega Matt Matt’s choice:
Textbook of Modern Karate 'Needle'
Obviously I was lead to this album because of our shared love of Thee Maldoror Kollective. This is as experimental as the original if not more but maybe with less catchy rifts in it. Does anybody know what the women is crying about on “A Gibbet Rootwork”, she disturbs me! I have listen to this quite a few times and although there is some brilliant elements it does not gel together so does leave one a little confused.
The Meads of Asphodel 'The Murder of Jesus the Jew'
Interesting introduction, I was wondering where this album may be going but by the start of the second track it was all clear, so I thought until half way through this track and then the only thing clear was that this was going to be a ride. I am not expect in this genre, if this falls into one, but I found the album amazing.
Tim Sim’s Choice:
Bjork and The Dirty Projectors – Mount Wittenberg Orca
The Meads of Asphodel 'The Murder of Jesus the Jew'
Interesting introduction, I was wondering where this album may be going but by the start of the second track it was all clear, so I thought until half way through this track and then the only thing clear was that this was going to be a ride. I am not expect in this genre, if this falls into one, but I found the album amazing.
Tim Sim’s Choice:
Bjork and The Dirty Projectors – Mount Wittenberg Orca
Can I jump in with my next selection a little early? I have many I want to do, but listening to this last night I though yes yes yes yes. Get hold of a joint effort between the always delightful (in a way) Bjork and the dirty projectors. The album is called Mount Wittenberg Orca. It has everything you want from bjork mashed into this springy showmanship, almost broadway sound of the band. There's multiple vocals all balancing each other wonderfully.
Extras - Ulver 'The Wars of the Roses' & Solar Bears 'She was coloured in'